Diseases and Conditions

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)


Treatments can't reverse the damage of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, but they can slow the progression of symptoms, prevent complications, and make you more comfortable and independent.

You might need an integrated team of doctors trained in many areas and other health care professionals to provide your care. This might prolong your survival and improve your quality of life.

Your team will help you select the right treatments for you. You have the right to choose or refuse any of the treatments suggested.


The Food and Drug Administration has approved two drugs for treating ALS:

  • Riluzole (Rilutek). Taken orally, this drug has been shown to increase life expectancy by 3 to 6 months. It can cause side effects such as dizziness, gastrointestinal conditions and liver function changes. Your doctor will monitor your blood counts and liver functions while you're on the drug.
  • Edaravone (Radicava). This drug, given by intravenous infusion, has been shown to reduce the decline in daily functioning. Its effect on life span isn't yet known. Side effects can include bruising, headache and shortness of breath. This medication is given daily for two weeks a month.

Your doctor might also prescribe medications to provide relief from other symptoms, including:

  • Muscle cramps and spasms
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Excessive saliva and phlegm
  • Pain
  • Depression
  • Sleep problems
  • Uncontrolled outbursts of laughing or crying


  • Breathing care. You'll eventually have more difficulty breathing as your muscles weaken. Doctors might test your breathing regularly and provide you with devices to assist your breathing at night.

    You can choose mechanical ventilation to help you breathe. Doctors insert a tube in a surgically created hole at the front of your neck leading to your windpipe (tracheostomy) that connects to a respirator.

  • Physical therapy. A physical therapist can address pain, walking, mobility, bracing and equipment needs that help you stay independent. Practicing low-impact exercises can help maintain your cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength and range of motion for as long as possible.

    Regular exercise can also help improve your sense of well-being. Appropriate stretching can help prevent pain and help your muscles function at their best.

    A physical therapist can also help you adjust to a brace, walker or wheelchair and might suggest devices such as ramps that make it easier for you to get around.

  • Occupational therapy. An occupational therapist can help you find ways to remain independent despite hand and arm weakness. Adaptive equipment can help you perform activities such as dressing, grooming, eating and bathing.

    An occupational therapist can also help you modify your home to allow accessibility if you have trouble walking safely.

  • Speech therapy. A speech therapist can teach you adaptive techniques to make your speech more understandable. Speech therapists can also help you explore other methods of communication, such as an alphabet board or pen and paper.

    Ask your therapist about the possibility of borrowing or renting devices such as tablet computers with text-to-speech applications or computer-based equipment with synthesized speech that can help you communicate.

  • Nutritional support. Your team will work with you and your family members to ensure you're eating foods that are easier to swallow and meet your nutritional needs. You might eventually need a feeding tube.
  • Psychological and social support. Your team might include a social worker to help with financial issues, insurance, and getting equipment and paying for devices you need. Psychologists, social workers and others may provide emotional support for you and your family.

Potential future treatments

Clinical studies on promising medications and treatments are occurring for ALS all the time.