Diseases and Conditions



Farsightedness can be associated with several problems, such as:

  • Crossed eyes. Some children with farsightedness may develop crossed eyes. Specially designed eyeglasses that correct for part or all of the farsightedness may treat this problem.
  • Reduced quality of life. With uncorrected farsightedness, you might not be able to perform a task as well as you wish. And your limited vision may detract from your enjoyment of day-to-day activities.
  • Eyestrain. Uncorrected farsightedness may cause you to squint or strain your eyes to maintain focus. This can lead to eyestrain and headaches.
  • Impaired safety. Your own safety and that of others may be jeopardized if you have an uncorrected vision problem. This could be especially serious if you are driving a car or operating heavy equipment.
  • Financial burden. The cost of corrective lenses, eye exams and medical treatments can add up, especially with a chronic condition such as farsightedness.

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