Diseases and Conditions

Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome


Treatment for solitary rectal ulcer syndrome depends on the severity of your condition. People with mild signs and symptoms may find relief through lifestyle changes, while people with more severe signs and symptoms may require medical or surgical treatment.

  • Dietary changes. To relieve constipation, you may be given tips on increasing fiber in your diet.
  • Behavior therapy. You may strain during bowel movements out of habit. Behavior therapy can help you learn to relax your pelvic muscles during bowel movements.

    In one behavioral technique, called biofeedback, a specialist teaches you to control certain involuntary body responses, such as the tightening of your anus or pelvic floor muscles, during defecation. Biofeedback may make you more aware of your straining and help you to control it.

  • Medications. Certain treatments such as topical steroids, sulfasalazine enemas and onabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) may help ease your rectal ulcer symptoms. However, these treatments don't work for everyone, and some are still considered experimental.

Surgical procedures used to treat solitary rectal ulcer syndrome include:

  • Rectal prolapse surgery. If you have a rectal prolapse that's causing symptoms, your doctor may recommend a rectopexy procedure. Rectopexy secures the rectum in its anatomically correct position.
  • Surgery to remove the rectum. An operation to remove the rectum may be an option if you have severe signs and symptoms that haven't been helped by other treatments. The surgeon may connect the colon to an opening in the abdomen for waste to leave the body (colostomy). If you have a colostomy, a pouch or bag is then attached to your abdomen to collect waste.

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