Tests and Procedures

Flexible sigmoidoscopy


Your doctor will review the results of your flexible sigmoidoscopy exam and then share them with you.

  • Negative result. The results of a flexible sigmoidoscopy exam are considered negative if the doctor doesn't find any abnormalities in the colon. If you're at average risk of colon cancer — you have no colon cancer risk factors other than age — your doctor may recommend waiting five years before repeating the exam.
  • Positive result. The results of a flexible sigmoidoscopy exam are considered positive if the doctor finds polyps or abnormal tissue in the colon. Depending on the findings, you may need additional testing — such as a colonoscopy — so that any abnormalities can be examined more thoroughly, biopsied or removed. During colonoscopy, your doctor can also screen the entire colon for other abnormalities.

How much of your colon and rectum can be viewed during a flexible sigmoidoscopy depends on the anatomy of your colon and the success of the colon preparation. If your doctor is concerned about the quality of the view through the scope, he or she may recommend a repeat flexible sigmoidoscopy exam or another screening test.