Tests and Procedures



Otoplasty, as with any other type of major surgery, has risks, including the risk of bleeding, infection and an adverse reaction to anesthesia.

Other risks associated with otoplasty include:

  • Scarring. While scars are permanent, they'll likely be hidden behind your ears or within the creases of your ears.
  • Asymmetry in ear placement. This could occur as a result of changes during the healing process. Also, surgery might not successfully correct preexisting asymmetry.
  • Changes in skin sensation. During otoplasty, the repositioning of your ears can temporarily affect skin sensation in the area. Rarely, changes are permanent.
  • Allergic reaction. It's possible to have an allergic reaction to the surgical tape or other materials used during or after the procedure.
  • Problems with stitches. Stitches used to secure the ear's new shape might work their way to the surface of the skin and need to be removed. This can cause inflammation of the affected skin. As a result, you might need additional surgery.
  • Overcorrection. Otoplasty can create unnatural contours that make ears appear to be pinned back.