Diseases and Conditions



Because albinism is a genetic disorder, it can't be cured. Treatment focuses on getting proper eye care and monitoring skin for signs of abnormalities. Your care team may involve your primary care doctor and doctors specializing in eye care (ophthalmologist), skin care (dermatologist) and genetics.

Treatment generally includes:

  • Eye care. This includes receiving an annual eye exam by an ophthalmologist and most likely wearing prescription corrective lenses. Although surgery is rarely part of treatment for eye problems related to albinism, your ophthalmologist may recommend surgery on optical muscles to minimize nystagmus. Surgery to correct strabismus may make the condition less noticeable.
  • Skin care and prevention of skin cancer. This includes receiving an annual skin assessment to screen for skin cancer or lesions that can lead to cancer. An aggressive form of skin cancer called melanoma can appear as pink skin lesions.

People with Hermansky-Pudlak or Chediak-Higashi syndromes usually require regular specialized care to address medical needs and prevent complications.

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