Diseases and Conditions

Enlarged spleen (splenomegaly)


Treatment for an enlarged spleen focuses on the what's causing it. For example, if you have a bacterial infection, treatment will include antibiotics.

Watchful waiting

If you have an enlarged spleen but don't have symptoms and the cause can't be found, your doctor might suggest watchful waiting. You see your doctor for reevaluation in 6 to 12 months or sooner if you develop symptoms.

Spleen removal surgery

If an enlarged spleen causes serious complications or the cause can't be identified or treated, surgery to remove your spleen (splenectomy) might be an option. In chronic or critical cases, surgery might offer the best hope for recovery.

Elective spleen removal requires careful consideration. You can live an active life without a spleen, but you're more likely to get serious or even life-threatening infections after spleen removal.

Reducing infection risk after surgery

After spleen removal, certain steps can help reduce your risk of infection, including:

  • A series of vaccinations before and after the splenectomy. These include the pneumococcal (Pneumovax 23), meningococcal and haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccines, which protect against pneumonia, meningitis and infections of the blood, bones and joints. You'll also need the pneumococcal vaccine every five years after surgery.
  • Taking penicillin or other antibiotics after your surgery and anytime you or your doctor suspects the possibility of an infection.
  • Calling your doctor at the first sign of a fever, which could indicate an infection.
  • Avoiding travel to parts of the world where certain diseases, such as malaria, are common.

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